

International Student at CommencementInternational Student at Commencement

International Students

15:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio

15:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio


32% First Generation college students

31% First-Generation Students


At the heart of Texas

Located in Austin, Texas


Eligible Programs for International Students

国际学生是指没有美国国籍的申请人 或合法永久居留权,并需要F-1签证从事学术研究 in the US. If this applies to you, please follow the International Student Application process.

康考迪亚大学德州分校的国际学生有资格申请我们的 个人本科课程和工商管理硕士课程. Connect with your admissions counselor for more information.

Concordia Texas staff leading a lecture

International - Undergraduate

康考迪亚大学提供各种各样的课程,让你为未来的职业做好准备. All 我们的专业,如商务和通信,是可定制和灵活的辅修, 集中,专业预科课程,我们的班级规模足够小 that you can stand out.

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Graduate Students studying on campus

International - Graduate

我们具有竞争力且价格合理的MBA课程为您提供所需的灵活性 在履行职责的同时获得高等学位. Our MBA program features 行业经验丰富的教师和队列式学习的内置社区 support. 国际学生只有资格参加MBA课程.

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  • Application Deadlines

    招生办公室必须收到所有必要的录取材料由适当的 deadlines.

    • Fall Semester June 1st
    • Spring Semester November 1st
  • Application Steps


    Complete the International Student Application for Admission and pay the non-refundable $50.00 application fee


    1. 一份官方盖章的成绩单,包括各高中/或学校获得或尝试的所有学分 college/university.
      1. 所有的外国学位必须由一名成员评估 NACES. 此评估的正式副本必须直接发送到康考迪亚TX从 NACES  member.
        1. 如果课程是在美国完成的,则必须发送成绩单的正式副本 from the institution directly to Concordia TX.
        2. 对于外国成绩单,请选择逐门课程报告.
      2. 如果申请人已经完成了相当于美国高中的学位,那么基础课程 Statement of Comparability Evaluation is required.
    2. English Proficiency
    3. Proof of Financial Support
    4. Sponsor Affidavit (if applicable)
    5. Copy of Passport
    6. Resume (MBA only)


    德克萨斯州康考迪亚大学招生办奥斯汀康考迪亚大学大道11400号 Texas 78726

    在完成上述各项后,学生的申请将被处理. Admission criteria include:

    • Demonstrate English proficiency. See the English Proficiency guidelines.
    • 在美国相当于高中文凭,平均绩点至少为 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for students entering as first-time freshman.
    • The US equivalent of at least a 2.0 grade point average on all college work attempted 在香港或香港以外的任何高等IM体育app机构就读的学生 United States.

    如果学生符合入学条件,则为本科生提供不可退还的275美元押金 only, must be made before registering for classes. Upon receipt of this deposit, the University will issue an I-20. Concordia's I-20 Designated School Official (DSO) is Angie Beasley. 如果有任何关于I-20的问题,请发邮件给她.

  • Proof of Financial Support

    为了获得I-20表格的资格,你必须证明你有能力在经济上支持自己 至少在美国学习一年. 你必须向我们提供涵盖学费的财务文件, 生活费用(住房和食物)、书籍和用品. This total may include additional 如果您有配偶(丈夫或妻子)和/或子女,则为家属提供资金 you in the USA. 如果您获得赞助,您的赞助商必须在此表格上签名. We 必须收到最近90天内的银行对账单原件吗. The 银行或财务报表必须是英文的,货币必须是美元.

    Proof of Financial Support Required Documents


    1.  银行对账单正本必须以美元、英文提供,且必须少于英文 than 90 days old.
    2. If a sponsor is supporting you, a signed Sponsor's Affidavit Annual Cash Support (PDF) is also required. 此表格必须由…打印,签名,公证或盖章 保存资金的银行,可以在此应用程序结束时上传 或在您提交申请后的自助服务中心.
    3. 如果您有奖学金或贷款,请提供捐赠机构的原始信件 is required. Proof of financial support 是必需的,你是否提供自己的资金或将由别人赞助 else. 此表格必须由银行打印、签名、公证或盖章 资金将被保存,并可以在本申请结束时或在 self-service center after you submit the application.
  • Proof of Health Insurance

    德克萨斯康考迪亚大学对国际学生有健康保险要求 that must be met each semester. All international students on non-immigrant visas 在康考迪亚大学学习期间,学校的政策要求你有健康保险吗 University Texas.


    如果您目前有健康保险或想要获得自己的保险, you must provide Concordia TX proof of coverage. Please email a completed copy of 国际学生健康保险弃权书(pdf)和事先投保证明 to classes starting.

    如果您没有健康保险,您必须通过GeoBlue Worldwide购买保险 Health Insurance. 这笔费用将在每次开始时记入您的账单上 semester.

    如果学生不提供文件或提供文件,他们将自动被录取 not respond.

    Concordia University Texas Inbound 2023-2024

    Monthly Rate HTH Rates Renewal Rates
    Participant $174.05 $181.00
    Spouse $671.05 $697.90
    Child $257.70 $268.00
    Children $515.40 $536.00
    *up to age 64    

    Please contact Designated School Official (DSO), Angie Beasley, should you have any questions

At Concordia, we get personal. Our Admissions team is here to guide you through the application process. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have.